Huon Computer Solutions

Time Is An Illusion

Picture if you will: it’s Sunday evening, Mother’s Day, and the younger daughter is showing off her cooking skills with an amazing meal of The Beloved’s choosing.  Naturally, I pitch in at my appropriate skill level: doing the washing-up.  And then I see the problem: we’re out of dish-washing detergent.  …

Fred Got Hacked! The Secrets Of The Facebook “Friend Request” Scam

You know the drill by now. You log in to Facebook and there it is: a Friend request from your good mate, Fred Nurk, who you’ve known for years. Ordinarily, you’d click Confirm without a moment’s hesitation, except… you could have sworn Fred was already your Facebook Friend. What’s going …

Do I Have A Virus?

There’s an old rule called Betteridge’s Law of Headlines.  It says “Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.” So, for example, if the headline is “Can chocolate cure cancer?” you can save the trouble of reading the article.  So if you want …